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Am I Ready For Embryo Adoption In The New Year?

Am I Ready For Embryo Adoption In The New Year?

Adoption in any form is deeply personal for everyone involved. Don’t put pressure on yourself or your loved ones to make a decision quickly. Your mind like a stovetop, and big decisions can benefit from its ability to heat ideas slowly until the time is right to act on them.

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Embryo Donation: ‘Tis the Season

Embryo Donation: ‘Tis the Season

Perhaps you are unable to use all of the embryos you have created using IVF, and now the thought of discarding them or donating them to science does not seem like the right choice anymore. However, there are other choices—donating them to another family!

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Gift Ideas for Those Facing Infertility

Gift Ideas for Those Facing Infertility

Infertility can feel isolating, especially when the friends and family around seem to be oblivious to your sadness and frustration. Couples and individuals struggling with infertility often just want to know someone cares. They want to know we are thinking of them, hoping with them, and believing along with them.

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Benefits of Embryo Adoption Education

Benefits of Embryo Adoption Education

Take a minute to consider how the required education, focused specifically on an embryo adoption, has numerous benefits to all parties involved in your adoption—the adopting parents, the adopted child, and even the donor family.

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How to Find Your Child’s Anonymous Donor

How to Find Your Child’s Anonymous Donor

If you are thinking of receiving embryos that were donated anonymously, or if you already have, your child will more than likely have future curiosity about their genetic family. Maybe they have already asked you questions you are not sure how to answer.

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A Celebration of Embryo Donors!

A Celebration of Embryo Donors!

Families who longed for the laughter of a child in their home found their answer in embryo adoption. Of course, this would not be possible without the amazing individuals who choose become embryo donors.

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Five Reasons an Open Adoption isn’t ‘Scary’

Five Reasons an Open Adoption isn’t ‘Scary’

Even though open adoption is extremely common in the United States today (95% are open!), the idea still has many new perspective adoptive parents running for the hills. However, studies have shown this adoption model is much more beneficial for all parties involved. This is especially true for families considering embryo adoption.

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Designated vs. Anonymous Embryo Donation

Designated vs. Anonymous Embryo Donation

Embryo donation and adoption is a process where one family donates their leftover embryos to another who are unable to conceive naturally. There are two types of embryo donation: designated and anonymous. We will discuss the differences between these two types to help you determine which option is the best for you.

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Embryo Donation: Difficult, but Grateful

Embryo Donation: Difficult, but Grateful

Each step of the process, from deciding to donate our embryos to ultimately learning of the birth of baby boy, has been full of lots of emotions. However, the overwhelming feeling we have is one of gratitude and joy.

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Top Three Concerns about Embryo Donation

Top Three Concerns about Embryo Donation

Having remaining embryos after you have finished building your family may not be something you were prepared to face. Many questions may come up as a family is deciding whether to donate remaining embryos.

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PCOS & Embryo Adoption

PCOS & Embryo Adoption

PCOS is a condition where a woman does not make enough of the hormones needed to ovulate. This can cause an array of symptoms including small cysts to form, problems with the menstrual cycle, and in some cases, issues with fertility.

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Embryo Donation & Embryo Adoption Videos

Embryo Donation & Embryo Adoption Webinars
