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Six Questions about the Embryo Adoption Home Study

Six Questions about the Embryo Adoption Home Study

We caught up with Jenna Baker, the Director of the Snowflakes Family Evaluation Program at Nightlight Christian Adoptions, to discuss the frequently asked questions regarding the home study for the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program.

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Creative Ways to Fund Your Embryo Adoption Journey

Creative Ways to Fund Your Embryo Adoption Journey

Embarking on the journey of embryo adoption is an exciting time! However, the financial aspects can be daunting. The average cost can range from $13,000 to $17,000 in total, as fertility clinic fees alone can range from $4,000 to $10,000. Let’s explore some practical ideas to help cover these expenses.

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Embryo Donation after Divorce

Embryo Donation after Divorce

Through prayer and counseling, I came to understand that these embryos held a purpose, and it was my responsibility to see that purpose fulfilled. After reviewing several family profiles, I found the perfect match…”

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Embryo Donation: Forgiving Yourself

Embryo Donation: Forgiving Yourself

Embryo donation sounds simple enough, but actually going through with the donation may be harder than you realized… It can provide you with incredible hope and lasting joy; however, taking the first couple of steps can be daunting.

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Embryo Adoption: An Unconventional Nursery

Embryo Adoption: An Unconventional Nursery

It was during a vacation, far removed from the cold confines of fertility clinics and waiting rooms, that we received a pivotal phone call from our reproductive endocrinologist. His words were sobering yet filled with a newfound sense of possibility—embryo adoption.

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Control of the Embryo Adoption Process

Control of the Embryo Adoption Process

Embryo adoption, like any adoption journey, there are natural uncertainties and aspects that are outside of the adoptive families’ control. It is helpful to keep in mind what you do and do not have control over to help find peace when uncertainty arises.

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Embryo Donation: Trusting the Process

Embryo Donation: Trusting the Process

Mother’s Day is around the corner. Amid the gifts of flowers and cards made with glitter and glued-on macaroni, does your mind ever wander over to your remaining frozen embryos?

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Embryo Donation: Answer to Prayers

Embryo Donation: Answer to Prayers

In the face of infertility, my husband and I held steadfast to our faith. Though the path was fraught with challenges, tears, and uncertainty, we remained convinced that God would provide. As we embarked on another round of IVF, the question lingered: “What would become of any extra embryos?”

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The Trauma of Infertility

The Trauma of Infertility

The obvious assumption is that infertility is an emotionally difficult process. However, it can often be described as a crisis or trauma. It creates stress in all aspects of life that are not as well known or talked about.

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Breaking Down the Cost of Embryo Adoption

Breaking Down the Cost of Embryo Adoption

Through embryo adoption, families who have embryos remaining from previous IVF cycles can donate them to another family to use. But what does the financial landscape look like for those considering embryo adoption?

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Embryo Donation & Embryo Adoption Videos

Embryo Donation & Embryo Adoption Webinars
