Embryo adoption, which began as a niche adoption option, has grown and expanded into a world of possibilities for adoptive families looking to grow their families. When exploring this alternative, couples may come across various options regarding whether to proceed with an open or anonymous embryo donation.

Embryo donation and adoption is a process where one family donates their leftover embryos to another who are unable to conceive naturally. There are two types of embryo donation: designated and anonymous. We will discuss the differences between these two types to help you determine which option is the best for you.

Designated Embryo Donation

Designated embryo donation is when embryo donors choose the recipient family themselves. While this type of donation can be done between family members or close friends, most recipient families seek out a clinic or an embryo adoption or donation program that specializes in open communication. Sometimes, the embryo donors have a say in who receives their embryos and can choose to stay in contact with the recipient family and any resulting children. This type of donation can be beneficial for both parties as it allows for a more personal connection between them.

Anonymous Embryo Donation

Anonymous embryo donation is when the donating family is unaware of who will receive their embryos. The recipient family is chosen by the fertility clinic or embryo donation program. With anonymous donation, the embryo donors usually sign off on ownership of the embryos up front and are unaware of who receives their embryos. This results in a lack of contact with the recipient family and any resulting children. This type of donation is usually done when the donating couple wants to remain anonymous or when there are no family members or close friends who are suitable recipients.

(It should be noted if you are opting for an anonymous embryo donation, there is no guarantee that you will stay anonymous.)

Both types of embryo donation have their advantages and disadvantages. Designated embryo donation allows for a more personal connection between the donating and recipient couples, but it can also create emotional ties that may be difficult to manage. Anonymous embryo donation provides more privacy for both parties, but it can also create feelings of loss and uncertainty for both families. It is important for both sides to consider their own personal preferences and circumstances before deciding which type of donation to pursue.

To learn more about embryo donation and adoption, visit EmbryoAdoption.org.
