What Does Open Adoption Mean?

Adoption has long been thought to be a private process: the less that is known by all parties involved, the better. Ignorance was widely considered bliss when bringing a non-genetically related child into your life.Some people see open adoption as a scary proposition....

Regarding Openness in Adoption

The following was written by Heather Mayer and edited by the Awareness Center for the purposes of this blog. When my husband and I were asked about our level of openness in embryo adoption, the honest gut-answer was, we really didn’t know. Now don’t get me wrong....

Taking the fear out of open adoption

It’s not a monster or an eight-story-tall rollercoaster. In fact, it’s only two words, but it’s two words that often strikes fear into the heart of adopting families around the country. Open Adoption. Decades ago the adoption world often discouraged contact between...

Openness in embryo adoption leads to pleasant suprises

The following was submitted by Heather, an embryo adoptive mother. When my husband and I were asked about our level of openness in embryo adoption, the honest gut-answer was, we really didn’t know. Now don’t get me wrong.  We weren’t closed to the idea of...