ASRM recommends limits on number of embryos per transfer

The ASRM is taking steps to reduce the number of high-order multiple pregnancies and has introduced suggestions to do so. Using data available from 2010, the ASRM has revised its guidelines for the number of embryos to be transferred in IVF cycles with a goal of...

A Review of the Roman Catholic Conversation

Roman Catholic scholars have written extensively about the bioethical dilemmas of Embryo Adoption. Much of the energy behind Embryo Adoption is driven by people who identify as pro-life, and a great number of this group are Roman Catholic. The debate arises because...

Why DO I Need a Home Study?

You’ve decided to adopt embryos and you are so excited to begin the process, but you heard that the agency you are working with requires a home study before you receive embryos. And you’re not at all sure what that involves. It sounds a little intimidating, like...

How old is too old for fertility treatment?

A 59-year-old British woman just became the oldest person ever to be offered fertility treatment in the United Kingdom, according to a recent story by the Daily Mail. Susan Tollefsen, a retired teacher who already has one child, was approved for In Vitro Fertilization...

Pregnancy is a Possibility with Twice-Frozen Embryos

A healthy baby was born last year after the transfer of three donated embryos that had been frozen and thawed twice after being stored in liquid nitrogen for a total of about 13.5 years. ( It may seem this baby was brought into the world against all odds,...