Why Embryo Donation Doesn’t Come With Compensation

While it’s true that human egg donors and sperm donors are compensated for their time and effort, currently there are no compensation plans for donor embryos when they are given to a clinic or an agency for adoption.Embryos donated for reproduction are given by...

Three Reasons Embryo Adoption is On the Rise

If it seems like you are hearing more and more about embryo adoption, you aren’t wrong. Not only has media coverage of the alternative family building method increased, so have the number of adoptions taking place each year. A steady increase over the last several...

Will an Embryo Donor Family Choose You?

When you donate your leftover frozen embryos for adoption, many agencies will give you the opportunity to have a say in which family will be able to adopt them. This gives you an opportunity to ensure that the family receiving your donor embryos will be able to...

Fresh or Frozen Embryos – What Are My Chances for Success?

Couples who are concerned that a frozen embryo adoption won’t offer the same rates of success as a fresh embryo from an IVF cycle are getting good news from a new study by doctors in Australia and New Zealand. A recent study found that frozen embryo transfers...