Judge Rules That Embryos Are to be Destroyed After Divorce

The world has been watching a landmark case regarding frozen embryos in the San Francisco area. The couple had the embryos frozen when the woman, Mimi Lee, was diagnosed with cancer in 2010 and wanted to preserve her chance of having children in the future. When the...

More Adopting Families Staying in Contact With Bio Families

Open adoption is becoming the standard in the United States. There are over 15,000 infant adoptions in the United States each year, and according to the Huffington Post, more than half of those adoptions are “fully open.” That means both the adopting and biological...

Why Infertility Isn’t Always a Factor in Embryo Adoption

For the majority of couples exploring the embryo adoption option for building their families, they’ve come to a clinic or adoption agency after a long struggle with infertility. Embryo adoption gives them an affordable, highly successful way to have the baby they’ve...