10 Things to Never Say to an Infertility Patient

1. Are they yours? Well, um since I’m the one diapering, carrying, burping, and worrying over them, I sure hope they are mine! Oh, wait, surely you are not fishing to find out if we used donor eggs to help us conceive them since clearly that would be rude, and clearly...

Embryo Donation Decision Tool

What to do with your unused embryos? A guide for sorting through the options. Many couples who choose in vitro fertilization (IVF) create more embryos than they finally use to build their family. Remaining embryos are in frozen storage. But now your family is happily...

7 Standard Infertility Tests

The initial infertility evaluation always includes investigation on both partners. For women: Ovarian reserve testing to assess both egg quantity and quality Blood markers, FSH-follicle stimulating hormone and AMH-anti-mullerian hormone Pelvic ultrasound to look for...