Common Concerns with Embryo Adoption

Common Concerns with Embryo Adoption

November is National Adoption Month! Embryo adoption is a unique option which can help families experience the joys and challenges of pregnancy and childbirth. But with any adoption program, you may have some concerns about the process, especially if you have never...

Opening the Door on Open Adoption

“Open adoption sounds terrifying!” That is often one of the first sentiments I hear from couples who are considering adoption. While it has been proven to be beneficial for a families’ overall health, the term often means different things in different types of...

How Open Adoption is Beneficial for All

When families research embryo adoption in the United States, sometimes they are surprised to learn that most agencies advocate for an open adoption between adopting and placing families. Did you know open adoption is now becoming the norm in...

An International Embryo Adoption

I got all choked up as I watched the little pin-pricks of light on the monitor in the doctor’s office. The way they appeared was a miraculous sight I will never forget. Not for Emily, though. All she could focus on was how much she needed to go to the bathroom! But...

Four Ways to Support Your Child’s Adoption Story

Becoming a new parent through adoption is exciting, but it also comes with a lot of new responsibilities. Like keeping your child safe, providing for their future, and building them up into productive members of society. But successfully telling your child their story...