Embryo Adoption and the Adoption Tax Credit

April 15th is Tax Day!* Filing your taxes can be a stressful time of the year. But understanding what you can credit or deduct can help make the process a bit smoother. There are many ways you may be able to reduce your tax burden—charitable donations, interest...

The Story of the Very First Snowflake Baby

When John and Marlene Strege learned they wouldn’t be able to have a child, they were devastated. Then Marlene asked the question that would change their lives: Can frozen embryos be adopted? The answer not only gave them their beloved daughter Hannah, it drew...

Six FAQs About the Embryo Adoption Home Study

We spoke with Beth Button, a social worker with Nightlight Christian Adoptions, and asked what were the most commonly asked questions she gets about the embryo adoption specific home study, or Snowflakes Family Evaluation. Here are her answers to six questions she...

It’s 2020. Why Are We Terrified of Adoption Telling?

This blog was originally published on LavenderLuz.com. How do I tell my child he’s adopted? And when? Rant: I’m frustrated that these questions still come up (and surprised because my readers are adoption-savvy, so I start thinking everyone is). Who is preparing...

How to Prepare for Adoption Costs

Adopting embryos can be an enormous undertaking. In addition to stress, excitement, and the unknown—there’s also paperwork (A LOT of it), many doctor clinics, shipping logistics, and financial obligations. The financial component of an embryo adoption can take...