Requiring a home study as part of the embryo adoption process follows the best practices of adoption. Previous blogs have addressed why a home study is required and the purpose it serves. In this blog we want to address the question of how the home study process is valuable to the adoptive parent.

When prospective adoptive parents see the list of requirements, documents, and education involved in the home study or Snowflakes Family Evaluation (a pre-adoptive assessment used in lieu of a home study, applicable only to embryo adoption), many feel overwhelmed. At least initially. It is also not unusual to feel a bit resentful. Common questions we hear are, “People that have biological children do not have to go through this before they have a baby… Why should I?” Or, “We are already parents and are raising our children just fine. Why do I need to do this?”

Here are three benefits of an embryo adoption home study you should keep in mind:

  • Education: It never hurts to learn something new, particularly when it comes to parenting. Parenting an adopted child requires specific education that is not received when parenting biological children.
  • Preparation: Many topics are covered during the adoption home study and interview process that parents may not have considered or discussed with one another previously. Such as how they plan to discipline their adopted child(ren) and who they will ask to be the guardians of their children and remaining embryos if something should happen to both.
  • Recognition: None of us are perfect, and adoptive parents certainly are not expected to be either. The assessment involved in the home study or evaluation process helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each prospective adoptive parent that may affect their parenting. It allows us to give a pat on the back for those strengths, as well as some goals to work on if there are weaknesses in other areas.

While this is not an exhaustive list of benefits, they are great reminders of why a home study for embryo adoption is beneficial to you as the adoptive family. You want to do and be the best for your future children. And so do we!

To learn more about embryo adoption and donation, visit
