5 Advantages of Embryo Adoption

1. Embryo Adoption allows the mother to experience pregnancy and childbirth. Many families who cannot conceive mourn the fact they have never experienced pregnancy and childbirth.  Other types of adoption cannot alleviate this grief. When the woman has received a...

12 Questions Embryo Adoptees Want Answered

Even if you decided to adopt your child as an embryo, they will have questions. We recommend you begin gathering answers to these questions now, to make answering them later a bit easier. What are my genetic parents’ first and middle names? Do I have any genetic...

10 Things to Never Say to an Infertility Patient

1. Are they yours? Well, um since I’m the one diapering, carrying, burping, and worrying over them, I sure hope they are mine! Oh, wait, surely you are not fishing to find out if we used donor eggs to help us conceive them since clearly that would be rude, and clearly...