Have you ever felt so down, you are ready to throw in the towel? After all, you have tried everything to start a family!

Or have you?

You have always desired to be a parent, yet somehow, something you thought would be easy, is not easy at all. In fact, it’s a non-starter and you feel broken. As the hustle and bustle of life continues around you, you are unmoved by its noise and motion, instead you are imprisoned by your own thoughts of loss and helplessness. You agree to meet a friend for lunch, but you are just going through the motions of daily life. As you sit waiting for a table, you hear the giggle of laughter as a pregnant women and her friend enter the restaurant—just what you need, another reminder. As they also wait to be seated, you overhear their conversation.

“I thought it was all over for us. Then, someone told me about this book, Frozen, but not forgotten.

“Interesting title.”

“It’s all about embryo adoption. The author and his wife adopted embryos to have a family. As soon as I read it, I knew that was our answer, and here we are.”

“That’s incredible!”

“I’ll say, I never thought we had a chance to have a family given what we were told by our doctors. But this guy, not only took the plunge, but he shared his story and for that I will be forever grateful. It gave us hope and the courage to try something different. Embryo adoption is the best thing that’s ever happened to us.”

That’s the power of someone sharing their story.

Do you have a story to share? A story about infertility, embryo donation, or embryo adoption? Why not share you heart? There is someone out there who needs to know they are not alone; that there is hope. Embryo Adoption can be a solution for childless families, or even those experiencing secondary infertility.

To pick up your copy of Frozen, but Not Forgotten, visit FrozenButNotForgotten.com. To learn more about your options for embryo donation and adoption, visit EmbryoAdoption.org.
