Why choose embryo adoption through an agency vs. embryo donation through a clinic?

We often hear that question. People who are inquiring about placing or adopting embryos for achieving a pregnancy are often confused about using an embryo adoption agency or a fertility clinic. After you read through this list, call us. Our knowledgeable staff will listen and answer your questions about placement or adoption.

  1. Embryo adoption has been around for over 20 years and was first established in 1997 to assist families with remaining embryos select an adopting family for them.
  2. Embryo adoption provides a positive option for adoption an infant and a shorter timeline.
  3. Embryo adoption is frequently less expensive than IVF and is definitely less expensive if you have to purchase human eggs to create embryos.
  4. An adoption agency will encourage open communications between placing and adopting families.
  5. Children born from the use of donor embryos have a basic human right to know about their origins. Agencies encourage privacy, clinics encourage secrecy.
  6. Agencies help families connect with one another helping them leave a legacy to their children.
  7. There are over 1,000,000 embryos already created in frozen storage in the U.S. Eight to ten percent of them will be donated for reproduction.
  8. Most agencies are adept at following FDA rules and regulations for embryo placement.
  9. Adopting families are all evaluated by a rigorous home study process when using an adoption agency, giving peace of mind to the donor family regarding the types of families they are choosing from.
  10. Agencies that require the collection of medical records add to the security of the placement.
  11. A reputable adoption agency will assist you in identification and completion all necessary documents to keep you moving forward.
  12. An agency will provide assistance with legal contracts between the donor and adopter.
  13. Fertility clinic programs are often only anonymous to both the donor and the recipient, it is a medical procedure, not an embryo adoption.
  14. A best practice of an adoption agency is to maintain a permanent record of the placement/adoption.
  15. Many clinic physicians and medical staff refer both placing and adopting families to reputable agencies.

For more information on embryo adoption agencies, give us a call at 970-663-6799 or visit EmbryoAdoption.org.
