This essay was written by Kimberly Tyson, Vice President of the Snowflakes® Embryo Adoption Program.

The Snowflakes® Embryo Adoption Program has been successfully helping families with remaining embryos from their IVF match with an adoptive family of their choice for over 25 years. We have experience. Our matching service is hands-on, and final matches are mutually agreed upon between the two families—always.

Our success is rooted in our legacy as an adoption agency. Our focus is on children and helping them to be born into loving, stable families. Our core values are:
  1. Encouraging open, direct communication between matched families. This is best for children and adults. [In today’s world, anonymity is a myth, with services like 23&Me and social media.]
  2. We work diligently to place entire embryo sets with one adoptive family, thus keeping genetic siblings in a limited number of families.
  3. Every adoptive family must complete an embryo adoption home study in preparation for becoming an adoptive parent and to ensure children are being placed into loving and stable homes.
  4. We are committed to helping every embryo placed through our program have the opportunity to be born.

We invite you to learn more about our program. We have shipped over 1,600 sets of embryos to recipient families since our inception. And in December 2022, celebrated the births of over 1,000 babies adopted through Snowflakes.

If you have remaining embryos, do not leave them frozen, choose a family who will give birth to them.

If you would like to welcome an infant child into your family through adoption, Snowflakes may be the fastest and most economical adoption path.

Learn more at or give us a call at 970-578-9700.

To learn more about embryo adoption and donation, visit
