Every year, on April 1, there is a popular joke people like to play on their friends and family members. You know the one, right? It is usually done over social media. The one where it shows an ultrasound photo of an unborn baby, or that positive pregnancy test along with the words, “Uh oh…” or “Due October 2023.” It is the fake pregnancy announcement joke.

While for some people the joke is innocent enough, for others who are facing infertility (especially women), that fake announcement comes across as insensitive and hurtful—almost like a punch to the stomach.

One in eight couples in the United States faces infertility and it can take quite a physical, emotional, and mental toll on those who suffer from it. One of the things that can set off an emotional roller coaster is social media posts from families who are expecting or have had a baby. They want to be happy and ecstatic for their friends or family members, but at the same time, they feel sadness, sometimes jealousy, and the ever-present question of “When will it be my turn?” pops into their heads.

Moreover, to deal with all those emotions, only to find out that it is all a joke… Can you see how that would seem insensitive?

When people make a joke, for women who want more than anything in the world to be pregnant, it really catches you off guard. And these feelings do not go away once these families finally have children of their own—they will follow you for years after.

So instead, this April Fools, stick with the light-hearted Whoopi Cushion and leave the fake pregnancy announcement alone.

If you are currently facing infertility, embryo adoption could be the answer you have been searching for. To learn more about embryo adoption and donation, visit EmbryoAdoption.org.
