What if you have remaining embryos in frozen storage from your IVF treatments? Is your family complete? It has been a long process, but so worth it as you recall the joy you experienced adding to your family. However, there is one more decision you need to make before you can shut the door on that chapter in your life:

What should you do with your remaining embryos?

Have another Transfer: You have already determined your family is complete. Adding one, or more, to the perfect mix was not part of your plan for your family budget.

Pay for Ongoing Storage:  That can get expensive and does not seem like the best use of your financial resources, given your family commitments.

Thawing and Discarding: May seem like a waste; after all you are talking about a life you have valued and spent the last few years investing in for the purpose of establishing your family. Even your perspective regarding your remaining embryos may have changed – after all, your child was a part of that embryo set.

Scientific Research: This is actually not as popular as it may seem. Most programs either have more than they need and federal funding for this research is on the decline. In addition, NO successful treatments have been developed using embryonic stem cells. All successful stem cell treatments have come from adult stem cells.

Donation: Donate your remaining embryos to another family for their family-building attempts.

If I were to place my embryos for donation or adoption, what would be the benefits?

Donating your remaining embryos can provide you:
  • Knowledge of leaving an incredible legacy by giving your embryos the opportunity to be born.
  • Comfort of valuing the lives you created, and helping another couple experience the joy of family.
  • Peace of mind by choosing the family who will give them love and security.
  • Fulfillment; by giving the gift of life to embryos you created for that purpose.

Where can I find out more information about donating my embryos?

We have an array of resources on the different types of embryo donation and adoption organizations out there. You can start with our Where to Find Embryos Page to compare what different services each program offers you if you were to donate through them.

For more information on embryo adoption and donation, visit EmbryoAdoption.org.
