One in eight.

7.3 million women in the United States.

You are not alone. Infertility is more common than you think.

ASRM defines infertility as being unable to achieve pregnancy after a year of trying to get pregnant. If you and your partner fall into this category, it may feel very isolating.

Here are some tips that can help in this season of life:

  • Confide in a best friend. They may or not be experiencing the exact same thing, but allow them to lend a listening ear. If you don’t want advice or for them to share their own story, let them know. Ask them to create a space for you to just share your feelings.
  • Take care of yourself. This may look different for everyone, but make sure you are taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This may mean going on a walk or spending time in prayer and meditation. Do what is best for you.
  • Partner with your spouse. Women can bear a lot of the weight when struggling with infertility, but it can be hard on the men as well. Give him space to talk things out or let him ride on that stationary bike he’s been neglecting.
  • Join a fertility support group. You may find it comforting to join a group of others in the same place you are in. The National Infertility Association provides a list of groups by state – many of which are meeting virtually during the pandemic.

Overall, try not to be too hard on yourself. Many couples struggle with infertility. Creating a team of people you trust (spouse, best friend, therapist, etc.) can help ease the pain.

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