Every January, almost everyone makes a list of resolutions they would like to accomplish in the coming year. If you’re a couple who have been struggling with infertility, perhaps you have been reflecting over the holidays about beginning your adoption journey in 2018.

Now is a great time to sit down and discuss how you would like to move forward with your family building plans. Is it time to stop your current infertility treatment or continue full steam ahead? Or maybe it’s time to try another type of treatment. Maybe it’s time to look into adoption instead. But… you would still love to experience pregnancy and give birth.

Have you considered embryo adoption?

Sometimes, when families are faced with a decision of what to do with their remaining embryos from their IVF cycle, they choose to donate those frozen embryos to another couple. You then have the ability to carry and give birth to your adopted child. The larger embryo adoption agencies have donated embryos available RIGHT NOW, just waiting to be matched to a loving family.

To learn more about the ins and outs of embryo adoption, watch our webinar The Fundamentals of Embryo Donation and Adoption. You can also find more information on EmbryoAdoption.org.

Make this year your year to adopt and bring a child into your loving arms.
