Wanting to be a mother can be a strong desire. And sometimes when a desire or dream remains unfulfilled, feelings of sadness, or depression, can result.

Women who want to build their families may be struggling with infertility. They find heartbreak at each failed attempt at pregnancy, becoming more and more desperate to achieve motherhood. They may also find adoption too expensive and believe they are running out of options.

The result can be depression—grief over a child never conceived, hopelessness that the dream will remain elusive, and fatigue and loss of energy from the heartbreak. Grief is a real part of infertility, just as real as losing a family member.

The depression, in this case, is clinical and has a situational cause from a difficult life event of loss, divorce, or financial problems.

Clinical depression, a common but serious mood disorder which causes a loss of pleasure in daily life, can affect anyone at any age. It affects how a person feels, thinks, and handles daily activities, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Each year, 6.7 percent (or 16 million) American adults experience depression. Most will have a full remission with effective treatment, but too many people resist treatment believing it isn’t serious or they can fix it themselves.

If women who desire motherhood are experiencing these symptoms, a first step would be to talk to someone who they trust. Maybe a family member, friend, partner or counselor who can help them work through the feelings they are experiencing. Another step they may wish to take is finding alternative solutions for family building. Embryo adoption gives women an opportunity to experience pregnancy and childbirth, while offering an alternative to their struggles with infertility. They can experience joy again as they fulfill their deepest desire to start their families.

For more information about embryo adoption and donation, visit EmbryoAdoption.org.
