Hope Restored by Embryo Adoption

Mike and Stephanie’s dreams of starting a family seemed dim after a diagnosis of male infertility factor, but the couple found new hope when they discovered Embryo Adoption. The family is now complete with two energy-filled boys, gifts from two different embryo donors.



What is an Open Adoption Plan?

Is contact with placing families important in an embryo adoption match? How do you establish an open adoption? The Hendersons and Gassmans are embryo placing and adopting families who were matched through the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program.



Dilemma of the Remaining Embryo

Jason and Jennifer chose to give the greatest gift anyone can give - life! Before they began their IVF treatment they discussed the fact that they could have remaining embryos. Listen as they tell about how they determined the best option for the remaining embryos they created through IVF.



Embryo Adoption: The Chosen Option

After receiving the diagnosis of Premature Ovarian Failure (POF), most of the options Brian and Debbie explored - from egg donation to international adoption- didn't seem like the right fit for their family. The couple was amazed by the personal control, education and safeguards available using Embryo Donation and Adoption.



A True Story of Embryo Donation & Adoption

A compelling story of two families brought together by their common desire to become parents. The couples clearly communicate the difficulties facing both donor and adopting families and how their families became connected through the gift of embryo donation and adoption.



An Answer to Exhaustive Infertility Search

J.V. and Cathy had visited every fertility specialist in the area, hoping to find a solution to their heartbreak from multiple miscarriages. As it turned out, the answer came in the form of Embryo Donation and Adoption, which enabled the couple to give birth to twin boys!



Hope Restored by Embryo Adoption

Mike and Stephanie's dreams of starting a family seemed dim after a diagnosis of male infertility factor, but the couple found new hope when they discovered Embryo Adoption. The family is now complete with two energy-filled boys, gifts from two different embryo donors.



Hannah's Story: The First Snowflake Baby

The first child born through the process of Embryo Adoption was Hannah. Hannah and her parents share their amazing journey as they helped pioneer an entirely new way for people to build their families. The Strege family continues to advocate and support embryo adoption in their local community all the way to the White House.



Heilman Family Video - 2013 Embryo Adoption Contest Winner

Eric and Rebecca wanted to start a family, and after an unsuccessful year, were diagnosed with infertility. When they started looking into adoption they heard about the possibility of adopting embryos. This video was a winner in the 2013 Embryo Donation and Adoption Video Contest.



Special Moments

These are Special Moments in the lives of children who were born because their parents chose frozen human embryo adoption. Do you know someone who has remaining embryos from their IVF treatment? Do you know someone who would like to give birth to their adopted child?



Domestic Adoption Leads to Embryo Adoption

Arlo and Wendy wanted a family. After several IVF cycles they decided to pursue a successful domestic adoption. When it was time to add to their family they were in the process of evaluating domestic and international adoption. Then they learned about embryo adoption. Embryo adoption appeared to be the perfect choice for their family building. Was it?

