Salem Family Stands Strong in Their Beliefs

Adéye and Anthony Salem believe all life is precious, and that there’s a plan and purpose for every child. They’re moving forward toward their frozen embryo transfer (FET) date and have been busy preparing, though it hasn’t exactly been an easy process. A few weeks...

Nine Children and a New Destiny

Adéye and Anthony Salem have nine children, but their family is not yet complete. This Northern Colorado couple has chosen to adopt four human embryos. You may be curious why Adéye and Anthony chose to add new members to their family through embryo adoption. The...

More People are Choosing Embryo Donation and Adoption

Participation in embryo donation and adoption continues to grow as more and more families learn about the option. In this video you’ll hear the story of a family in the Kansas City area who tried multiple times to bring a child in to their family through ‘normal’...

Making Dreams Come True

Below is one of our favorite videos helping to demonstrate the potential of every embryo, even those currently in frozen storage. It is an oldie but a goodie and we hope you enjoy. (Please read comment policy before commenting)

Woman Gave Birth to Baby She Adopted

The Awareness Center was going through our archives yesterday and found the news story below. It is a great video and we hope you enjoy and learn. To learn more about Embryo Adoption please visit read comment policy before...