We caught up with Jenna Baker, the Director of the Snowflakes Family Evaluation Program at Nightlight Christian Adoptions, to discuss the frequently asked questions regarding the home study for the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program.

Here’s a breakdown of the top six questions we receive about the Snowflakes Family Evaluation:

1. What’s the cost?

The fee for a Snowflakes Family Evaluation (SFE) stands at $1,500, plus any travel expenses incurred by the SFE provider. Travel costs vary, ranging from minimal expenses for families near our offices to higher costs for those residing outside the U.S. On average, families can expect around $300 in travel expenses.

2. What’s the timeline for completion?

The completion timeline for the SFE largely depends on the adoptive family’s pace in gathering and submitting the required paperwork. While it’s possible to finalize the report within one or two months, the typical duration for most families falls between three and four months.

3. How many face-to-face visits are necessary?

Given the travel that is often involved, typically only one in-home face-to-face visit with an SFE provider is required. This approach helps expedite the overall adoption process timeline.  Additional meetings may be held via video calls.

4. How much paperwork is involved?

The paperwork required for the Snowflakes Family Evaluation mirrors that of a traditional home study, albeit with more flexibility and typically a smaller volume. Since we don’t have to abide by specific state regulations, requirements are adjusted accordingly in keeping with adoption best practices.

5. Are there additional hidden fees?

Adoptive parent education for the SFE is provided through videos and reading material at no extra cost to the adopting family. However, families may need to budget for infant/pediatric CPR and first aid certification, along with background checks. These records checks, including FBI and child abuse clearances, may incur fees ranging from $18-$50 per person, with some states offering free child abuse and neglect background checks. Additionally, married clients will pay a $35 fee for an online assessment service.

6. Are post-placement visits required?

Snowflakes mandates one post-birth video conference visit within six weeks of the child’s birth, which is covered by the $1,500 SFE fee.  Adopting parents are also required to submit a self-report when their child(ren) reaches one year of age.

For more information on the Snowflakes Family Evaluation, visit Snowflakes.org. To explore embryo donation and adoption further, check out EmbryoAdoption.org.
