In 1997, John and Marlene had the desire to have children they could call their own. When they decided to pursue adopting a couple’s frozen embryos that they were no longer going to use, they did not expect to create a new form of adoption that would take the world by storm and become the founders of a program.

That is the story of how the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program was born. And 25 years later, we celebrated the birth of our 1,000th baby!

In 2012, after finding out they could not conceive children naturally, Rodney and Mary Leah set out on a journey to build their family.

That same year, a couple they had never met created embryos for their own IVF treatment—embryos that would later be placed for adoption.

Rodney and Mary Leah attempted their own rounds of IVF seven times; only having one transfer and no pregnancy from all those cycles. In 2020, after seeing family friends successfully have their baby girl through Snowflakes, they turned to embryo adoption.

Rodney and Mary Leah were matched with their first set of embryos in 2021. And they did achieve pregnancy… however, they suffered a miscarriage at eight weeks. With no more embryos left, they decided to be re-matched through Snowflakes Program. After being matched again (with the embryos that were created 10 years prior), they scheduled another frozen embryo transfer, which resulted in twins!

Dalton Rice and Mary Elizabeth were born on December 23, 2022; frozen for ten years, Snowflakes Babies #1,000 and #1,001.

As an organization, we are truly grateful to all our donors for choosing life for their embryos, to our adoptive couples for their commitment to these frozen lives, and to all our partner clinics who spread the word about this unique form of adoption. Because of your hard work, embryo adoption is becoming a more well-known family-building method.

1,000 babies born from frozen embryos is an incredible milestone. The Lord has truly blessed our staff and ministry with the mission of getting frozen embryos out of storage and born into loving families. Rodney and Mary Leah hope that the birth of Dalton and Mary Elizabeth will encourage others to adopt.

If you would like to get started on your own embryo adoption journey, give us a call at (970) 578-9700 so that we can help you build your family!

On to Snowflakes Baby #2,000!

For further information on embryo adoption or donation, visit
